Secret Messages

Covered by sand, water, plants, are objects left by the people who lived here long before. They, like us, admired this world, they felt the owners of the earth, fitting it into their stories and their beliefs. They felt endless, untill one day they became history, like many before and many after. And the only trace left behind were objects which they created.

We are mesmerized by these items, forever trying to descern their meaning and purpose and never being sure if we truly understand them. What if there was a language we never decoded? Then every one who encountered an object of that culture would be free to imagine it’s fate, from everyday mundane to completely fantastical. Is it an oil jug, a flower vase, a vessel to hold a soul of a mythical creature? A prayer object or a child’s whim?

With pieces in this collection you are free to imagine. Let your mind go to wild places, make it your own